Whozu leaves Too Much Money label

‎Tanzania singer Whozu has part ways with his recording label, Too Much Money citing outgrowing the label’s wings.

‎Whozu says he’s grateful for the label which was very instrumental for him when he was joining the entertainment industry.

‎He has likened his department from Too Much Money music label as a kid who has come of age and wants to leave his parents house and go fend for himself.

‎“It has come a time when I have to stop sleeping in my parents room and give a chance to other artists to be natured by Too Much Money.“

‎Whozu has termed the move as a personal one where he has to go and build himself and later be able to support other artists in future.

‎Despite his departure, Whozu has clarified that he will be available for any collaboration and will be willing to help whenever he’ll be called upon.

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